ONLINE-RINGVORLESUNG „Anthropozän – Anthropocene“

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Online-Ringvorlesung “Aspects of the Anthropocene – Aspekte des Anthropozäns”

Universität Wien vom 7.3.2023 – 04.7.2023
Jeweils dienstags 17:00-19:00 über Zoom
(Ausnahmen werden angekündigt)

Vortragssprache: Deutsch & Englisch

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Die ONLINE-RINGVORLESUNG „Aspects of the Anthropocene – Aspekte des Anthropozäns“

  • wird als Lehrveranstaltung für Studierende durchgeführt (2 ECTS Punkte)
  • kann von externen Interessierten via ZOOM-Link besucht werden
  • wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt
  • Sie erhalten pro Vorlesung eine kurze Intro + eigenen ZOOM-Link zugesandt
  • Die jeweiligen Vorträge der Referent*Innen werden aufgezeichnet und auf der Website Forum Anthropozän zur „Nachlese“ veröffentlicht

Eine interdisziplinäre Online-Ringvorlesung zum Thema Anthropozän mit nationalen und internationalen Vortragenden aus den Naturwissenschaften, den Sozialwissenschaften und den (bildenden) Künsten beleuchtet das Anthropozän aus unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten.

Das Anthropozän stellt eine Herausforderung für viele akademische Fachdisziplinen dar. Als ein mögliches neues geologisches Zeitalter definiert es die Beziehung des Menschen zum Planeten in ökologischer Hinsicht neu, mit Konsequenzen für historische, soziale und ethische Aspekte. Das Vienna Anthropocene Network bringt Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften zusammen und umfasst Wissenschaftler*innen aus den Bereichen Geologie, Geographie, Biowissenschaften, Geschichte, Philosophie, Politikwissenschaft, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, STS, Anthropologie und einer Reihe von weiteren Studienrichtungen. Das Internationale Forum Anthropozän ist eine Plattform, die sich transdisziplinär dem Thema Anthropozän in der Wechselwirkung von Globalität, Urbanität und dem Ländlichen Raum widmet.

Im Rahmen der aktuellen, interdisziplinären Ringvorlesung werden neue Blickwinkel auf Natur, Kultur und Gesellschaft geworfen. Diesmal, neben Beiträgen zur Geologie und Permafrost, mit Fokus auf soziale und künstlerische Aspekte, sowie auf Nachhaltigkeit und eine afrikanische Perspektive des Anthropozäns. Wir freuen uns, dass wir diesmal viele Beiträge von Referentinnen präsentieren und besonders jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen eine Plattform bieten können.

Die Ringvorlesung ist eine Kooperationsveranstaltung des Vienna Anthropocene Network (VAN), des Instituts für Geologie und des UNESCO IGCP 732 Projektes der Universität Wien, gemeinsam mit dem Forum Anthropozän, gefördert durch das 1. Europäische Klima- und Umweltbildungszentrum/Nationalpark Hohe Tauern (Kärnten).

Überblick der kommenden Online-Vorträge Sommersemester 2023, jeweils dienstags, online ab 17:00

12. Vortrag (english)


Biodiversity in China and beyond

Dr. Jinfeng Zhou is the Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), a leading independent environmental NGO based in China. Graduated from Peking University and Purdue University, where Zhou obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry and Post Doctorate in Physics, he was a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for the ninth, tenth and eleventh session, Standing committee member of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Vice-Chair of the National Association of Vocational Education China (NAVEC) for the ninth and tenth session.
He is also an Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome, a member of the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) of IUCN, and an expert of the Global Pact for the Environment, an expert to the ISO/TC 331 on Biodiversity, and a researcher at the Theoretical Research Base of Environmental Justice of the Supreme People's Court of China. Zhou believes the most important environmental challenges are the intertwined crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and public health. They are co-related and should be addressed in a holistic way.

Jinfeng ZHOU
Jinfeng ZHOU
Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF)
Zur Anmeldung

13. Vortrag (deutsch & english)


FOOD.PRINT: Regenerative Ernährung im Anthropozän

Haus der Steinböcke, Heiligenblut am Großglockner

(Haus der Steinböcke, Heiligenblut am Großglockner)
Zur Anmeldung

14. Vortrag (deutsch & english)



Michael WAGREICH (Universität Wien)
(University of Vienna and Vienna Anthropocene Network)
Veronika KOUKAL (Universität Wien)
Veronika KOUKAL
(University of Vienna and Vienna Anthropocene Network)
Zur Anmeldung

Bisherhige Events

1. Vortrag (english)

7. März 2023

Anthropocene: An Introduction from Natural Sciences and Humanities perspectives

Michael WAGREICH (Universität Wien)
(Universität Wien)
Eva HORN (VAN, Universität Wien)
(VAN, Universität Wien)
Sabine SEIDLER (Forum Anthropozän)
(Forum Anthropozän)
Anthropocene: An Introduction from Natural Sciences and Humanities perspectives

2. Vortrag (deutsch)


Ernährung im Anthropozän - Essen wir die Erde auf?

Reinhold Leinfelder, geologist and geobiologists, is Full Professor at Freie Universität Berlin, Research and teaching include Earth history, the evolution, ecology and fate of reefs, the Anthropocene, future studis, and new methods of knowledge communication. He is member of the international “Anthropocene Working Group” (ICS/IUGS). Former affiliations and activities include directorships of different museums (e.g., Natural History Museum, Futurium, both Berlin), member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), co-initiation of the ‘Welcome to the Anthropocene’ Exhibition at Deutsches Museum Munich, Project leader of ‘The Anthropocene Kitchen’ within the Excellence Cluster ‘Image, Knowledge, Gestaltung’ of Berlin Universities. Berlin. His portfolio also includes knowledge comics on climate change and the Anthropocene.

Reinhold Leinfelder (Professor, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; AWG member)
Reinhold Leinfelder
(Professor, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; AWG member)
2. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

3. Vortrag (english)


Environmental movements in the Anthropocene

Verena Winiwarter was professor of Environmental History at the Universities of Klagenfurt and BOKU, Vienna and is a Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, where she also chairs the Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies. In 2013, she was elected as "Scientist of the Year" by the Austrian Club of Science and Education Journalists. She is one of the coordinators of the "Fachkollegium" of Scientists for Future Austria.

Verena Winiwarter (Environmental Historian, Professor BOKU, Member of Scientists for Future)
Verena Winiwarter
(Environmental Historian, Professor BOKU, Member of Scientists for Future)
3. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

4. Vortrag (deutsch)


Jenseits des eigenen Horizonts: Gestaltung im Anthropozän

Kooperation: Universität Wien & Vienna Anthropocene Network,
EKUZ-1.Europäisches Klima- und Umweltbildungszentrum/
Forum Anthropozän mit dem kä

Kristoffer Stefan (Künstler)
Kristoffer STEFAN
Michael WAGREICH (Universität Wien)
(Universität Wien)
Sabine SEIDLER (Forum Anthropozän)
(Forum Anthropozän)
Igor Pucker (kä
Wolfgang Muchitsch (kä
Claudia Dojen, (kä
Claudia DOJEN,
Peter Kaiser (Landeshauptmann Kärnten)
Peter Kaiser
(Landeshauptmann Kärnten)
Jan Zalasiewicz (Universität Leicester)
Jan Zalasiewicz
(Universität Leicester)

Mit dem Künstler Dipl. Ing. Kristoffer Stefan diskutieren in der hochkarätig besetzten Runde Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Wagreich, Professor für Geologie/Universität Wien, Mitglied der internationalen „Anthropocene Working Group", Mag.a Sabine Seidler, Initiatorin des Forum Anthropozän, Mag. Igor Pucker, Vorsitzender des Planungsteams kä und emeritierter Kulturabteilungsleiter, Dr. Wolfgang Muchitsch, neuer Direktor des kärnten.museums, Claudia Dojen, Leiterin der Abteilung Erdwissenschaften vom kä und Landeshauptmann Dr. Peter Kaiser. Jan Zalasiewicz, Professor für Paläobiologie an der Universität Leicester/GB und Mitglied der „Anthropocene Working Group" wird einen kurzen Input zum „Anthropozänen Quadratmeter“ via ZOOM-Zuschaltung geben.

Zur Anmeldung

5. Vortrag (english)


Mires as a critical Earth component during the Anthropocene

I am an environmental geochemist, studying broadly understood human impact on the Earth; more particularly I am a peat geochemist. I use peat as environmental medium to assess the pathways and levels of past pollution. Currently, I am the PI of an Opus 14 project entitled: „EARTH - Anthropocene - Rare earth elements, isotopes and anthropogenic particulates long-range transport in Northern Hemisphere – implications for defining Anthropocene”. This project aims to determine the global patterns of deposition of geochemical and mineralogical proxies in different peatlands of the Northern Hemisphere (NH). Their application to define the new period will be assessed. The international network between Poland, Russia, China, Iceland, Estonia has been developed for better recognition of local and global deposition pathways of investigated markers.

Barbara Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł (Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland; AWG member)
Barbara Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł
(Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland; AWG member)
3. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

6. Vortrag (english)


Refuge National Park – what we could have learned by the Sorcerer's apprentice

Mag.a Barbara Pucker was born in 04.02.1965 in Spittal/Drau. She completed her law degree at University of Graz and entered employment with the State Administration of Carinthia (environmental authority) in 1994. By 1st August 2022 she was appointed National Park Director Carinthia. Her ongoing teaching position with Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt dates back to 2012.

Barbara Pucker (Direktorin Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Kärnten, Austria)
Mag. Barbara Pucker
(Direktorin Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Kärnten, Austria)
6. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

7. Vortrag (english)


The Anthropocene - a Many-Worlds, STS perspective.

Robert Braun studied philosophy of arts and history, he completed his PhD in philosophy in 2002 and his Habilitation in 2021. He is senior researcher at the research group Science, Technology and Social Transformation at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, and associate professor at Masaryk University, in Brno. His research focus is the ontological politics of technology transitions, responsibility in innovation, political ontology (of mobilities), and Anthropocene violence. His last book, Post-Automobility Futures (with Richard Randell), is published by Rowman & Littlefield in 2022. Among his books Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility (CEU Press, 2019) has been selected as one of three best books of 2019 by the European Management Academy (EURAM). He is co-editor of the Journal of the Knowledge Economy (Springer) and currently editing a special issue of the Journal of Responsible Technology (Elsevier). He has published, inter alia, in History and Theory, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences Communication, Journal of Responsible Innovation, Mobilities, Mobility Humanities and Transfers and many others; he is a member of the Society for the Philosophy of Technology.

Robert Braun (Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Institut für Höhere Studien - Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria)
Assoc. Prof. Robert Braun
(Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Institut für Höhere Studien - Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria)
7. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

8. Vortrag (english)


Earth’s sediment cycle during the Anthropocene

fter doctorate degrees (Oceanography & Geological Science) from UBC (1978), Professor Syvitski held various appointments (1978–95) within Canadian universities while employed at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. Jaia moved to Boulder in 1995, becoming Director of CU’s Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (1995–07), with faculty appointments in Geological Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Atmosphere & Ocean Sciences, Hydrological Sciences, and Geophysics. She then became Executive Director (2007–17) of the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System, a 68-country effort to develop, support, and disseminate computer models to the geoscience community. Between 2011–16, Jaia chaired the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, coordinating 10,000+ scientists in a knowledge-based planetary program to help societies adopt more sustainable pathways during a time of rapid global change. Professor Syvitski is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, Spain’s Academy of Sciences, recipient of Canada’s Huntsman Medal for Marine Science, the Shepard Medal for Marine Geology, and an Honorary D.Sc. in Sustainability and Earth-System Science from Newcastle University. Professor Syvitski has authored more than 350 peer-reviewed journal papers, books and book chapters, and technical publications.

Jaia Syvitski (Professor Emerita, University of Colorado Boulder, USA; AWG member)
Jaia Syvitski
(Professor Emerita, University of Colorado Boulder, USA; AWG member)
8. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

9. Vortrag (english)


The impact of agriculture on the environment and potential solutions

Eric Bönecke works as postdoctoral researcher at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops - IGZ in Grossbeeren, Germany. The studied geographer and soil scientist researches on improving fertilization recommendations towards a sustainable agriculture. Therefore, he combines tools of proximal soil sensing, digital soil mapping, agro-ecological modeling and decision support systems to gain and process agronomic relevant information – most important: the soil particle size distribution and the soil organic matter content.

Eric Bönecke (Postdoctoral Researcher at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, IGZ Grossbeeren, Germany)
Eric Bönecke
(Postdoctoral Researcher at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, IGZ Grossbeeren, Germany)
9. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

10. Vortrag (english)


Seeking the golden spike for the Anthropocene

Simon Turner is a geoscientist working on stratigraphic records of human activity. He is a Honorary Senior Research Associate at the University College London (UCL). Simon was scientific coordinator for the transdisciplinary project ‘Earth Indices: Evidence and Experiment’ developed by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW, Berlin) and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG, Berlin), in collaboration with the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG), to define and explore the Anthropocene epoch. He is a member and the current secretary of the AWG.

Simon Turner (Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Geography, UCL, London, UK)
Simon Turner
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Geography, UCL, London, UK)
10. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

11. Vortrag (deutsch)


Was ist anthropozäne Literatur? Überlegungen zu einer neuen Kategorie und repräsentative Beispiele

Gabriele Dürbeck is professor of Literature and Culture Studies at the University of Vechta. Her research fields are German Literature from 18th to 21st century; Environmental Humani­ties; Travel Literature; Postcolonial Studies; Post-dramatic Theatre. She has co-edited the first German introduction into Ecocriticism (with Urte Stobbe, 2015), and Nature Writing in der deutschsprachigen Literatur von Goethe bis zur Gegenwart (with Christine Kanz, 2020). From 2017 to 2020, she has conducted the DFG-Project "Narratives of the Anthropocene in Science and Literature" with numerous publications, e.g. The Anthropocenic Turn. The Interplay Between Disciplinary and Inter­disciplinary Responses to a New Age (Routledge 2020); Narratives of Scale in the Anthropocene: Imagining Human Responsibility in an Age of Scalar Complexity (Routledge 2021, both ed. with Philip Hüpkes).

Gabriele Dürbeck (Professor für Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Vechta, Germany)
Gabriele Dürbeck
(Professor für Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Vechta, Germany)
11. Vortrag der Ringvorlesungen

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